Just updated typography on my new site. Going with just two: Tahoma/Verdana for content, Georgia for everything else. Results are…mixed. #
My prof says to eliminate all pause words in dialogue, but I’m much more of a naturalist. Is perfect dialogue too slick for most characters? #
@crowjonah If that’s true, given my last stat check, I think I need more sleep. #
I’ve got to write these damn essays, or study French, or do something productive, but I’m worn out and a tad sick. So, tea and TV anyone? #
Chose darjeeling: light and aromatic. Read somewhere that tea’s caffeine is more focusing than coffee’s (another vice). Wonder if it’s true? #
How much do you worry about repeating sentence structure in academic essays? I think I’ve already killed ‘Although Eisenhower X, he meant Y’ #
My TF has a great collection of student essay-related terms, among them: “defensive grading” and “assertive insecurity” #
Do your photos always seem less vivid than friends’? I think it’s that we’ve lived our own, but have to fill in others’ with imagination. #
I’m also a pretty lousy photographer, which could have something to do with it. #
Finished essay 1 on the Cold War, now transitioning to screenplay based on Desafinado. After that, moving to essay 2, Kant vs. Utilitarians. #
Finished screenplay based on Desafinado (Not to spoil the ending, but love is like a never ending melody). Bed, then only one essay left! #
The words ‘dear God, I love my fucking brain’ just popped into my head… Trying to tell me something, subconscious? (Sob, I’m so arrogant!) #
is thinking about accents in literature, how much he hates phonetic spellings by some authors (Brian Jacques!), but likes them from others. #
It’s amazing how much impact 30 extra minutes of sleep can have. Churchill was on to something with that micro-napping thing he did. #
is thinking that that was just about the worst response he could have gotten to his new script. My procrastination finally caught up to me. #
Just woke up from a dream that I will not repeat. But, it was a very fitting awakening to an alarm of “Fun, Fun, Fun! In the Sun, Sun, Sun!” #
Is it appropriate to say “bye” to someone if you merely saw them in a public place and said “hello,” 30 minutes passed, and then you left? #
Hearing the voices of people you know through $70 noise-canceling headphones makes a huge difference. #
Easy weeks are fun, but tough weeks are more life-affirming, in that they remind you that there’s plenty of room for improvement. #