I’ll never forget the day my mom told me she had been left out to die. Before the ACA, my dad lost his job and the healthcare that came with it. Shortly thereafter, my mom, who survived breast cancer when I was five and lives with multiple sclerosis, received a letter from her insurance company telling her they wouldn’t cover her at all. At any price. She was devastated. She felt worthless. She felt that society had thrown her to the wolves for no reason. I will always remember the fear, sadness and anger in her voice on that day. She ultimately ended up on a high-risk pool, which gave her almost worthless coverage at a nearly unaffordable price, a luxury she only had because my parents saved prudently throughout their careers. Today, thanks to the ACA, she has affordable, real coverage on the exchanges. It’s not perfect, but society has emphatically decided that she isn’t worthless.
That’s hardly the world’s worst story of life before the ACA. But it’s enough to fuel me with white-hot, incandescent rage at what happened today. If you don’t know: Republicans in congress just voted to return to the world that abandoned my mom. Their evil, cruel bill will end up killing millions of Americans by effectively taking away coverage from babies, veterans and anybody who’s poor. It also makes all of us more susceptible to bankruptcy by allowing employers to adopt plans with lifetime coverage caps, something the ACA put an end to.
So, Republicans below: you are the so-called moderates who just voted to leave my mom out to die. Again. For no reason other than to give a tax cut to the wealthiest Americans and settle a political score. You are cruel, evil, hypocritical and wrong. You are bad people. You have blood on your hands. I will hold you all personally responsible for the harm your actions will cause my mom, veterans, parents of infants, disabled kids, the mentally ill, and the rest of us. I will make sure your names are known and reviled. You will never be able to show your faces in public again.
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You voted to kill us. Your career is over.
Shamelessly copied from Trump Care Toolkit. Let me know if I should add others.
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By Gabriel Stein on May 4, 2017.
Exported from Medium on October 22, 2020.